Sustainable Planet Solutions

Making sustainable resources a reality

By implementing our proprietary Waste to Value System we help companies to achieve a Zero Waste status. Waste that would regularly go to a dump or a landfill, now gets transported to our nearby facility, where the waste gets processed and weighed. We then provide the results report to the client. Once the waste is processed, we utilize the organic waste for composting. We also, through our Anaerobic Digesters create renewable energy from the organic waste and biomass. This technology combined with our waste water treatment technology is also utilized for the complete processing of Sargassum, also known as Red Tide, a major concern across the Caribbean. Additionally by combining our proprietary technologies we provide end to end processing to value for Dunder/Vinasse, the troublesome discharge from the distillation process.
In short, We process some of the most difficult waste streams on the planet and turn those difficult waste streams into a product of value.
Sustainable Planet Solutions

There is a lot of life in a drop of water

Our proprietary Wastewater Treatment System facilities can be located onsite at resort, a cruise port, airport, distillery etc. or right at the local utility. The treated water then gets reused by the client/resort as grey water for irrigation. laundry, cooling towers etc. This technology combined with our Waste to Value technology is also utilized for the complete processing of Sargassum, also known as Red Tide, a major concern across the Caribbean. Additionally by combining our proprietary technologies we provide end to end processing to value for Dunder/Vinasse, the troublesome discharge from the distillation process. 

We also provide potable water solutions.

Presentation Decks
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Water Treatment and Reuse

Our  Wastewater Treatment System treats water that gets reused as grey water for irrigation. laundry, cooling towers etc.  

Anaerobic Digesting

Waste to Value system that utilizes organic waste for composting and through Anaerobic Digestion to create renewable energy.

SPS Mission and Vision

Founded Jamaica/Caribbean, Sustainable Planet Solutions Ltd. 2024
To provide sustainable, cost-effective and scalable solutions to Create products of Value from Waste including Renewable Energy, Bio-CO2, Transit Fuels and Soil Amendment products, and to additionally provide wastewater treatment solutions for a cleaner, more sustainable future.
To expand our 100 plus Designs/Installations/Operations into being a Global Leader and provider of our innovative and proprietary waste2energy systems with Anaerobic Digestion technologies, as well as globally deploying our Proprietary Wastewater Treatment Systems.
The Value of Sustainability

A smarter, better-connected community

Organizations who grasp the importance of sustainability in business can position themselves for success while making a positive impact.

  • Optimal Waste Sorting

  • Maximize recyclables

  • Maximize energy production

  • Maximize work for local companies

  • Create work for the country

Engage Now!

We show up every day to make our mission a reality for our partners and customers.

The mission of sustainability in the workplace, as a societal benefit, is to minimize a company’s environmental impact by using practices that conserve resources, reduce waste, and promote responsible consumption, ultimately contributing to a healthier planet for current and future generations while also positively impacting employee well-being and community relations.

Circular Solutions

  • Collection and Separation

  • Weighing and Reporting

  • Pretreatment feedstock

  • Anaerobic digesting

  • Renewable Energy

  • Drying & pelletizing

  • Composting

  • Solid Waste Treatment

  • Waste Water Treatment

  • Gray Water Applications

  • Drinking Water Systems

Our Circular Economy facility for waste and wastewater, at the Award Winning Bangalore Airport in India.

Our Proprietary Systems in Waste to Value and Wastewater Treatment are Sustainably Critical for all

Cruise Ports, Airports, Local Utilities, Resorts and other businesses that produce/collect a substantial amount of organic waste, or need Wastewater Treatment systems or Drinking Water solutions.